+49 341 33783313 centraldesk@kapairco.com





KaPAirCo Aviation GmbH
[HRB 41384, Local Court Leipzig]
Managing Partner: Karsten Palt

Limburgerstraße 65
04229 Leipzig, Germany



e-mail address

Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS). You can find these at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration board.


Unless otherwise indicated, all photos displayed on this website are the property of Karsten Palt or have been licensed by him.

data protection

9 + 12 =

DE ➤ Leipzig, 04229 ➤ Limburgerstraße 65

KaPAirCo hub
KaPAirCo Aviation GmbH

Leipzig, Limburgerstraße 65